Commercial Air Conditioning Service

Maintenance Options

Custom commercial air conditioning service programs available based on your need, facility, and any corporate requirements. 

Commercial Maintenance? What do I need to do?

Most commercial buildings these days have some type of equipment maintenance program.    

The question is:

  • Is my program the right one?
  • Is my maintenance guy truly qualified to handle my needs?
  • Am I spending too much money with my current program or not enough?
  • Inspection, preventive, proactive, tune-up??  What am I buying and what does it all mean?  

Many others had these same questions before we sat down and developed the right program to fit their need and budget.

Preventive Maintenance


Since every business and facility is different, it is difficult to say that this one program is right for you.  We like to sit down and determine what the need is and how to best fit that need with the right custom solution.  

Is that solution Monthly, Quarterly, Semi-annual, yearly service or something in between?  

We can provide recommendations based on our discussion with you or follow your existing corporate structured plan.

Filter Service

 At a minimum every unit big or small needs to have a regular filter replacement plan.  This service can be done as part of a more comprehensive maintenance program or as a stand alone service.  

 We can provide a free survey of your equipment and develop pricing to fit your needs.